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Join Ellicott Creek Volunteer Fire Company

No previous emergency services experience or training is required to volunteer. Your training will be provided to you. Volunteer to your level of ability.

  • Interior Firefighters
  • Exterior Firefighters
  • Equipment Drivers & Operators
  • First Responders
  • EMT’s
  • Rescue Diver

We do offer a program for Junior Firefighters for ages 16 to 18 years of age with restricted duties (Spaces are limited). If you are interested in a fulfilling a worthwhile experience, fill out the form below and we will contact you.

  • You must be at least 16 years of age to apply
  • You must possess a valid New York State driver's license or other form of picture ID.
  • You must reside within 1/2 mile of the Fire District boundaries, and have been at your current address for a period of one year, unless you are a transferring firefighter or applying for Hourly Member Status, which requires you to live within 25 miles of the Ellicott Creek Volunteer Fire Company district boundaries
  • You must be a citizen of the United States
  • You must have no previous felony convictions.
  • If an applicant is rejected for membership, he/she may not reapply for membership for at least one year.


  • New members will be considered on probation for a minimum of 6 months and maximum 18 months.
  • New members must obtain N.Y.S. Basic Exterior Firefighting Ops (BEFO) status within the probationary period. (This course is designed to be an introduction to firefighting).
  • New members must obtain a FIRST AID card and CPR certification within the Probationary period.
  • Must attend 12 drills (Training) per year. Approximately 3 hrs per night. Drills are on Monday & Sunday.
  • Must attend 1 of 2 mandatory work details per year along with the Annual Open House
  • Must attend 1/2 of the monthly business meetings (6 meetings per year)
  • Must attend 20% of the total calls per year. (equals about 90 to 120 calls) (Percentage Member)
  • Hourly Members must be on duty for 20 hours a month minimum averaged each quarter

Failure to complete these minimum requirements can result in termination of membership.

  • The application for membership will be read for the first time at the next General Business meeting after the application is received.
  • Once the application has been received, and all the criminal history information is received, the applicant will be interviewed by the Chiefs.
  • The Chiefs & Firematic officers will make their recommendation to the general membership for acceptance or denial at the General Business meeting following the interview. The committees recommendation will be based partly on the interview with the prospective candidate.
  • A Majority vote of the membership will decide acceptance or denial of the candidate for membership in the Fire Company.
  • If the candidate is accepted, he or she will be notified via mail to report to the next General Business meeting, to be sworn in and receive his/her fire equipment.

Any questions regarding the application process should be referred to the Chief of the Department at 691-7439 ext 230.